Travels in Turkey

Sarah and Vandana go in search of dark coffee, turquoise water, and adventure.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

havoc at hamam

three things to note:

1) it is about 10 thousand million billion degrees here.

2) i am not american. when i say that i am from america i get incredulous looks until i say i am from india. suddenly i am legit. most people believe that sarh is american but they are more pleased when she explains her russıan and german heritage. although hindu and jewısh do not go over as well.

3) computer keyboards in turkey are dıffıcult to work with, as there are different letters, like ı (i wıth no dot, pronounced uh) and ş and ç. sorry if i hit the wrong one.

so havoc at the hamam happened when we went to the hamam in selçuk on ladies only day. an argument broke out when an irish woman insısted that since sarah and i had paid more than the locals, we should get to go first. the turkish women, many of whom were large and burly, did not lıke this at all. we composed a song about it all that we will gladly perform for you. it ınvolved a fast-paced dance sequence and a choreographed fıght.

tomorrow we start the cruise. i can only hope it is as entertainıng as the rest of this trip has been.


At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good times.

i'm not european. i don't plan on being european. so who cares if they're socialists? they could be fascist anarchists. it still doesn't change the fact that i don't own a car.

not that i condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. isms, in my opinion, are not good.

sorry, i watched Ferris yesterday. keep on rockin' in the free world ladies!


At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No talk of education in these places, what? You are not visiting schools? All play and no work make for a really awesome summer. But schools can be cool too. I look forward to seeing "the dance'.
-Mr. J

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now if only we had a video of the girl fight with the burly turkish women ;)

You're on a boat? This trip has all the action of bollywood and then some!



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